Group Meetings
Today was very insightful. I was in a meeting with other people from other groups going through the same project process. However, we are all doing something different. I was able to hear other people's ideas and talk about our struggles and how far we all are into the process itself. I enjoyed listening in on everyone else's projects and hearing different insight and feedback was refreshing and helped me feel more motivated now. It was great hearing ideas and comments and questions about how we plan on executing our storyline. Here are some questions I was asked:
"How do you plan on filming the scene where they meet at a football game?"
Honestly, this is probably one of the most complicated scenes to film. I'm still on the fence about it just because we don't necessarily have to conform to that particular way for them to meet. We can do some other scenario like a school event or club meeting where they get to know each other. However, if we do decide on staying with the football game idea, I can get a small group of friends to fill the borders and sides of my tight shots. I would have Daniela and Micheal lock eyes as they walk up the stairs on the bleachers so I don't necessarily have to show a big crowd filling the bleachers.
"How would you film scenes that take place in NYC?"
Since we do live in Weston, it is physically impossible to film scenes with a New York City background. However, one idea I had was to film those scenes downtown. Capturing the nightlife downtown could give a more NYC feel to the scene and could capture where they live and the streets they usually frequent together during the lockdown.
"What exact scenes are you focusing on in your opening?"
Well, I realized that one really important thing I need to keep in mind for my film opening is that I do not have a lot of time. In fact, we have very little time. Two minutes is all we have to compress our big film idea. Since I am very excited and passionate about our idea and its potential, I need to step back and truly decide what highlights do I want to make the focal points about. I also need to make sure that in the long run, a fresh set of eyes can view this film opening and understand our idea. Because it is so easy for me or my partner, Ana, to say it makes sense because we know our idea like the back of my hand because we came up with it and studied it. However, we need to be sure that someone who was not there through the entire process, can view it and understand the general storyline of what is going on.
My Conclusion:
Overall, the meeting was very productive. Hearing everyone's feedback helped me realize that there are some aspects of my idea and pitch that I have not fully thought through.
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